Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Moving with Pets - A few things to consider - Pet friendly Agents

Advice on Moving with Pets

At the LR Group many of our home buyers have pets and I was giving some thought to this topic recently.

The best advice I have found comes from the ASPCA. I would recommend checking out their site too. I have posted some links further down in the article.

When moving to Florida the first thing to do is to find a pet friendly home for sale. At the LR Group we are happy to assist

A move is always a stressful event, but it can also be stressful for our pets. They too will need to familiarize themselves with a new home and surroundings. Don’t be surprised if they change their behavioral patterns, they will need some time to adapt to their new environment however great the home may be it is unfamiliar to them. Pet owners looking for a new home can ask their Realtor for advice on local dog parks and facilities. Check out the deed restrictions if any for keeping pets. Condominiums and apartments are the most restrictive but I have also heard of HOA's  for single family homes limiting the number of pets allowed per household.

In the days and weeks before moving maintain the routine for your pet. Make sure you have your pets identification and medical records with you. I always recommend that buyers and sellers keep their most important personal information with them when moving and don’t let this go on the truck. Pets information needs to go with you too.

If your pet is being moved in a crate, try to familiarize them with the crate well ahead of time. If they are not used to moving in a vehicle, take them on short trips in the crate and get them comfortable with the new environment. Make sure that there is always, always sufficient ventilation around the crates.

Are you flying with your pet?
Check with the airlines and find out the rules and regulations for taking pets on board. You may be able to crate your pet and have it fly in the hold but this is a much more stressful experience for the pet. Talk to your veterinarian and ask for advice. Ask your friends and relatives, give the matter some thought and consideration ahead of time. You will feel better about being organized and aware  and so will your pets.

On moving day either ask a friend or relative to take care of the pet or keep them safe in a closed quiet room which you want to move last. Ensure that there is food and water and possibly some of their favorite toys at hand. This should keep things more familiar for them. I would also make sure that the movers feel more secure. Talk with the movers and make sure that they are aware of the pets needs and presence. Generally they have dealt with moving pets before and will share their advice with you.

In advance check the regulations are in your new town or state regarding animals. These laws can vary. In Miami-Dade, FL certain breeds of dogs may not be owned.

The ASPCA has a great site with more details and suggestions. Our expertise is in real estate so I would suggest checking these great resources:

At the LR Group we like to take the time to get to know our customers and help them with their move. We work with many buyers from out of town and can assist them with questions not simply about the house they are buying, but with the area and information on the area. If you have a question about the area or move we are here to answer these for our buyers and sellers after leaving the closing table.

Thank you

The LR Group
Premium Property Real Estate Services

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